Exploring the Vibrant Palette: New Zealand Abstract Art Dynamic Canvas

Abstract Painting - Love by Lorraine Rastorfer

Abstract art is a dynamic and multifaceted genre that defies conventional representation, opting instead for a visual language that transcends literal interpretation. At its core, abstract art is characterized by a departure from realistic depictions, favoring a focus on the intrinsic qualities of line, shape, color, and form. By stripping away the need for recognizable…

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Colourful Abstract Artist – Constanza Briceno

Constanza Briceno

Abstract Artist Constanza Briceno – Methodical Disorder Constanza Briceno, born, raised and educated in Santiago de Chile, art has always been a part of her life. At 8 years old she was painting with oils but was unable to continue painting with them in her university years. The nature of making art within an institution demanded…

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