Nic Dempster

Nic Dempster

Nic started painting when he was young. He got inspired by the countryside of his family farms. As he traveled to places like New Zealand, Japan, the United Kingdom and Europe, he found more things to inspire his art.

After finishing his master’s degree in History, Nic went to the United Kingdom and became a full-time artist. He adjusted what he painted to match his new surroundings, and people liked these just as much as his paintings of New Zealand landscapes.

Nic Dempster NZ ArtistNic was greatly influenced by New Zealand artists like Colin McCahon, Rita Angus, Doris Lusk, Toss Woollaston, and Nigel Brown. Drawing inspiration from these art history greats, he crafted his own unique and distinct style. Nic’s artworks are contemporary, daring, iconic, and stylized. The vibrant colors and bold black outlines in his depictions of buildings, harbors, boats, cityscapes, and rural landscapes have made his paintings easily recognizable.

You can find his amazing art for hire at Mobile Art Gallery.