Jane was born in Auckland and has spent the last thirty years painting the New Zealand landscape. Focusing on the beauty of the land, Jane’s paintings are meticulous translations of what she loves onto canvas.
Jane is self-taught and paints in acrylic on canvas in a way that allows her to accentuate details in the landscape. Her paintings focus on sharing how she sees beauty in the untouched beaches and natural, native environment.
Her attention to detail has a photographic quality. In some parts of the paintings the land or animals may look very realistic, while part of the background has been abstracted into fascinating and beautiful forms that accentuate the details Jane has put forward.
With each painting taking two to three weeks to paint and her larger works a month or more. It appears that Jane uses a very long process to appreciate the finer details of what she saw and captured with a camera, as a simple click in time is not enough to appreciate what was around her.
Many of Jane’s paintings consist of coastal scenes (reflecting her love of the sea), Pohutukawas (Jane’s favourite tree), beaches and headlands, making her work the perfect addition to a New Zealander’s home.
Examples of Jane’s work is available from Mobile Art Gallery. For details on gallery location and opening hours click here.